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Granuflo / NaturaLyte

Legal Options

Company Misled Public

Fresenius Medical Care (FMC) manufactures GranuFlo and NaturaLyte, as well as many of the machines and products used in dialysis treatments. FMC is also one of the largest dialysis clinic operators in the world.. In 2011, FMC issued an internal notice to its company-owned clinics, warning of the risks and side effects of the products; however, they failed to offer warnings to thousands of physicians and clinics not owned by FMC who continued to use their product.

As a result of the memo leaked to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2012, the FDA issued a Class 1 recall of all GranuFlo and NaturaLyte products. If you or a loved one is undergoing dialysis, take these steps immediately:

  • Protect yourself by reviewing patients at most at risk.
  • Ensure that your physician is properly formulating yours—or your loved ones—dialysate at your clinic.

Note, GranuFlo and NaturaLyte are not inherently dangerous products, but become dangerous pharmaceuticals when errors occur in their mixing and administering.

How Potential Overdosing Can Occur:

Other acid concentrate products consist primarily of acetic acid, but GranuFlo and NaturaLyte contain acetic acid plus sodium acetate, (sodium diacetate). Sodium acetate gets converted into bicarbonate by the patient’s tissues/liver, effectively increasing bicarbonate levels beyond what was initially prescribed.

This makes correct acid and bicarbonate levels absolutely essential. Incorrectly mixed dialysate that results in increased bicarbonate levels can place patients at an increased risk of metabolic alkalosis —a dangerous GranuFlo side effect.

How can you seek compensation?

An Experienced Law Firm Can:

  1. Help you recover medical expenses and lost income from all responsible parties.
  2. Help you obtain records, case information, legal documents and photographs related to your case.
  3. Track down witnesses that must be found and asked for testimony regarding your Personal Injury case.
  4. Guide you through each step of the legal process and will help minimize potential disruptions to your life so you can focus on your recovery.
  5. Provide expert witnesses that have testified in similar Personal Injury cases that will help with your settlement.
  6. Help educate you about your case and the state laws involved.
  7. Make sure that your Personal Injury case is filed within the statute of limitations for your state.
  8. GranuFlo and NaturaLyte litigation is complicated and can involve large sums of money. A personal injury lawyer can make sure that you get compensation.
  9. Can usually tell within a few minutes whether they can help you, and if they can't, maybe direct you to someone who can.


Our firm works on a contingency basis which means you will not be asked to pay any money out of pocket.

This process will be very easy. Please feel free to answer all questions honestly as your information is confidential.

This process will be very easy. Please feel free to answer all questions honestly as your information is confidential.

Free Case Evaluation

GranuFlo and NaturaLyte Side Effects

The FDA has requested Fresenius Medical Care to issue a Naturalyte Liquid Acid Concentrate recall and a Naturalyte GranuFlo recall after receiving a complaint about alkali dosing errors.

  • Low blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Heart problems
  • Cardiopulmonary arrest
  • Metabolic alkalosis
  • Stroke
  • Death
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